Book Reviews

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Product Name: Key Concepts in Corporate Social Responsibility
Product Owner: Suzanne Benn & Dianne Bolton
Advertised Price: Paperback $52.00
eBook Kindle: $34.56
Rating: 96/100

Review verdict: Highly Recommended

Highly recommended key concepts book
Recommended key concepts book

My Short Review
I can’t tell you enough how much I like this Key Concepts in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Book. It is one of my many IMPORTANT & ESSENTIAL University’s learning materials. This book is valuable and comes with essential topics that are cross-referenced throughout for better understanding with a variety of disciplines. That is why I have it selected as one of my #1 recommended books because it has what it takes to provide relevant and key information. This book has certainly made me aware of what Corporate Social Responsibility is about.


How this book helps?

I have learned a lot from this book because every time a new term concerning my coursework or any other business relevant issues, I would first check it out from this very comprehensive book with over 50 concepts introduced, hence provides me or anyone who want to do research about CSR. In this book, you will learn key concepts for example, sustainable development; definition of CSR, business ethics; accountability; corporate citizenship; corporate environmental reporting; ethical consumerism; human rights; risk management; stakeholder theory.


Where to buy this book?

It depends on whether it is available in the book stores near you.  But here is a fast way to get a quick look and buy it immediately without leaving where you are. Simply click on the below link and have it as one of your invaluable handbooks too:)
Key Concepts in Corporate Social Responsibility (SAGE Key Concepts series)


Product Name: Organizational Behavior: Integrating Individuals, Groups, and Organization, Fourth Edition
Product Owner: Joseph E. Champoux
Advertised Price: Paperback (New) from $60.80 ;  (Used)from $3.08

Rating: 95/100

Review verdict: Highly Recommended

A highly recommended book for every responsible managers
A highly recommended book for every responsible managers

My Short Review

Organizational Behavior: Integrating Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, Fourth Edition is also one of my university learning materials.  It is a required textbook for me to understanding organization development, behavior and the change challenge.  This book sets new standard with comprehensive and thorough coverage of the field of organizational behavior.  It is also invaluable for me because it has everything I need to understand the core of organizational behavior in a global perspective.


How this book helps?

The reason why I recommend this book is because it is distinctive.  Champoux’s unique integration of content highlights the importance of individual behavior that relates to employee and the organization as a whole.  My learning from this book allows me to conceptualize the challenges in adapting to complex shifting environments.  It facilitates me with the capacity to conceptualize the effect of chaos and complexity on organizational culture. And so it helps to understand how to use a wide range of human responses to chaotic and complex environments to building a “readiness-for-change” culture. Although this book specifically focuses on organizational and individual responses to innovation and adaptation; embedding organizational and individual resilience help support sustainable business practice.


Where to buy this book?

It also depends on whether this book is available in the book stores near you.  As a responsible leader, this book is important and required for the long term success of your business.  So be quick – buy this book now. Simply click on the link below and have it for your organization’s learning material.
Organizational Behavior: Integrating Individuals, Groups, and Organization, Fourth Edition



Product Name: Organization Theory and Design 11th Edition

Product Owner: Richard L. Daft
Advertised Price: Paperback (New) from $117.26 FREE Shipping.

Rating: 96/100

Review verdict: Highly Recommended

My Short Review

A highly recommended book for all Managers to designing organization change
A highly recommended book for all Managers to designing organization change

I like to recommend this very informative book in my website because it is written by the most unconventional thinking author Richard Daft.  This book is the best-selling and useful that blends recent innovative organizational ideas with proven model theories and effective business practice.  Organization Theory and Design 11th Edition is also one of my favorite university books.  The focus is to bring awareness to decision makers to embrace ambiguity through featured case studies. And the reasons why organization needs to learn from inaccuracies and how to capitalize on opportunity to exploit on growth.  This book also shows how organization’s failure to act highlights the potential threats to ignoring current challenges as opposed to innovative ideas that shape value for societies.


How this book helps?

It is from this learning material that I discovered how well-known organization cope and succeed in the rapidly changing and highly competitive environment. I can assure you that your organization can be designed to its best to meet the challenges of change the recent business world is facing. Managers hence need to consider that the effectiveness of leaders’ decisions result depends on the success or endurance of organizations. This book shows how ongoing group decision processes are certainly beneficial and sustained in value to skill building into new thinking and experiences.


Where to buy this book?

Again, it depends on whether this book is available in the book stores near you.  As a responsible Manager, this book is absolutely essential to designing organization culture that is sustainable to withstand uncertainties.  Don’t missed out and make an order now. Simply click on the link below.

Organization Theory and Design 11th Edition




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